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Tools for Preparing a Model Submission

Creating Mathematical Models

Models may be created with a variety of software packages. In the following is a list of tools we offer for the production of model submission. Other tools are listed, for example, on the Links page.

JavaView JavaView is able to read a wide a variety of data format including Mathematica and Maple graphics and export it in an accepted format.

JavaView includes the option to automatically generate a preview image, and it provides a dialog for filling out the accompanying model description.

On the JavaView homepage go to the Download section and obtain the package javaview.zip.

Polymake Polymake allows to create submissions of polytopes in an algorithmic format.
jv_suball.zip Contains a MS-Windows executable to fill out a model description file with a dialog. This functionality is also available from within JavaView.

On the JavaView homepage go to the Download section and obtain the package jv_suball.zip.

egSample.xml Sample XML description file of a model.
egTemplate.xml Empty sample XML description file of a model.
Format_Jvx.jvx Sample JVX model file. Further documentation at Formats.